@InProceedings{CaiSkillicor92, title = "{E}valuation of a set of message- passing routines on transputer networks", author= "Cai, Wentong and Skillicorn, David B.", editor= "Allen, Alastair R.", pages = "24--36", booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-15: {T}ransputer {S}ystems - ongoing {R}esearch", isbn= "90 5199 085 5", year= "1992", month= "mar", abstract= "A major obstacle to the use of parallel computers in ordinary applications, where their price/performance ratio should make them attractive, is the sheer difficulty of parallel programming. One approach which can ease the difficulties is data parallel programming, because of the simplicity of a single-threaded flow of control. Data parallelism also expresses parallelism with enough regularity to be readily implemented across a range of machine types. In this paper, we describe a data parallel model based on a set of second order functions from the Bird-Meertens theory of lists, demonstrate the implementation of these functions as a set of message-passing routines, and evaluate their performance on transputer networks configured as hy-percubes." }