@InProceedings{SchrettneJelly97, title = "{D}ynamic {P}rocess {I}nteraction", author= "Schrettner, Lajos and Jelly, Innes", editor= "Bakkers, Andr\`{e} W. P.", pages = "261--273", booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-20: {P}arallel {P}rogramming and {J}ava", isbn= "90 5199 336 6", year= "1997", month= "mar", abstract= "This paper concerns with the design of a building block for parallel and distributed software systems. We start with a very common problem of process interaction and successively derive a building block that can be used to construct systems that are correct by construction. When copies of this building block are connected to each other in an arbitrary fashion, the resulting system is deadlock/livelock free. An application is outlined where this method was used. We also would like to stress that the method of successive refinements used in this paper seems to be a fruitful approach in the design of protocols." }