@InProceedings{Poole98, title = "{E}xtended {T}ransputer {C}ode -- a {T}arget-{I}ndependent {R}epresentation of {P}arallel {P}rograms", author= "Poole, Michael D.", editor= "Welch, Peter H. and Bakkers, Andr\`{e} W. P.", pages = "187--198", booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-21: {A}rchitectures, {L}anguages and {P}atterns for {P}arallel and {D}istributed {A}pplications", isbn= "90 5199 391 9", year= "1998", month= "mar", abstract= "The transputer instruction set and its symbolic representation are reviewed. An alternative representation named ETC-code, suitable for an intermediate representation in a retargettable occam compiler, is motivated and described. The translation of such a language into a variety of alternative target languages is discussed. Its use as a representation for programs whose target processor type is not yet known is proposed." }