@InProceedings{Faust06, title = "{A} {S}tudy of {P}ercolation {P}henomena in {P}rocess {N}etworks", author= "Faust, Oliver and Sputh, Bernhard H.C. and Allen, Alastair R.", editor= "Welch, Peter H. and Kerridge, Jon and Barnes, Frederick R. M.", pages = "109--121", booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2006", isbn= "978-1-58603-671-3", year= "2006", month= "sep", abstract= "Percolation theory provides models for a wide variety of natural phenomena. One of these phenomena is the dielectric breakdown of composite materials. This paper describes how we implemented the percolation model for dielectric breakdown in a massively parallel processing environment. To achieve this we modified the breadth-first search algorithm such that it works in probabilistic process networks. Formal methods were used to reason about this algorithm. Furthermore, this algorithm provides the basis for a JCSP implementation which models dielectric breakdowns in composite materials. The implementation model shows that it is possible to apply formal methods in probabilistic processing environments." }