%T Parallel panel methods %A Alan G. Chalmers, Steven P. Fiddes, Derek J. Paddon %E Hussein S. M. Zedan %B OUG\-13: Real\-Time Systems with Transputers %X The nature of panel methods makes parallelisation difficult, unless effective methods can be found that minimise the number of messages required to calculate the interaction of all panels in the problem domain. Here, we use a minimal path configuration of processors to give an effective solution and show its performance superiority over a solution obtained from a ring configuration of processors. A detailed description of the numerical model and the numerical methods that are used for a typical panel method problem is given.The importance of balancing the message generating parts of an algorithm are established by examining the influence matrix set\-up time and the matrix solution time. The scalability and maximum performance characteristics of the algorithm and system configuration are analysed and reported.