%T BSP Modelling of Two Tiered Architectures %A Jeremy M. R. Martin, Alex V. Tiskin %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X In recent years there has been a trend towards using standard workstation components to construct parallel computers, due to the enourmous costs involved in designing and manufacturing special\-purpose hardware. In particular we can expect to see a large population of SMP clusters emerging in the next few years. These are local\-area networks of workstations, each containing around four parallel processors with a single shared memory. To use such machines effectively will be a major headache for programmers and compiler\-writers. Here we consider how well\-suited the BSP model might be for these two\-tier architectures, and whether it would be useful to extend the model to allow for non\-uniform communication behaviour.