%T Mapping a process network onto a processor network %A Francis C. M. Lau, K. M. Shea %E Charlie Askew %B OUG\-9: Occam and the Transputer \-\- Research and Applications %X This paper addresses the problem of mapping an Occam program onto a transputer network. This mapping is essentially a graph embedding (or related) problem: i.e., find a function f: N \-> { 1, 2.....| M |} such that certain performance criteria would be satisfied, where N is the set of processes in the Occam program (the graph) and M is the set of processors in the transputer network. Depending on the complexity of the graph as well as the target transputer network, many of these problems are NP\-complete [1,2]. This paper addresses not the mapping algorithm and how it may achieve optimality, which is a policy matter, but the mechanism of mapping \- that is, given a mapping algorithm, what exactly do we do to transform the program into an equivalent program that is ready to be downloaded onto the transputer network. Our answer is a precompiler which we have successfully implemented. We discuss several important problems that occurred in our construction of the mapping procedure, and briefly describe the actual implementation of the precompiler.