WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

CPA2006 Jokes

  1. Q: What do Peter Welch and program analysis have in common.
    A: The halting problem.

  2. Commstime -- 23s
    Matrix multiplication -- 700 ms
    Transterpreter 18 months
    Proof of correctness priceless

    Some things in life can't me bought, for everything else there's occam-pi.

  3. Once there was a dutchy who drunk too much whiskey. he stumbled I lost my ability to think in CSP, since the whiskey still occam-pi's me.

  4. Properties of I-Matic
    Brilliant in the morning;
    Breakdown in the evening;
    Long recovery time;
    Too late for the group photo;

  5. There was a young fellow from KENT
    Who tried to model where blood WENT
    He cut himself on the SPOT
    And waited for it to clot
    But, catastrophe, damn, fault SEGMENT

  6. Occam-pi is no longer multi-threaded -- occam-pi is multi-Freded.

  7. An ode to Process Oriented Limericks
    There was a mad prof known as Peter
    Who exclaimed `I know Microsoft need her'
    When asked to say why.
    He said `occam-pi
    Our compiler -- and look-- no transputer!' 7.

  8. What a really pity.
    Dead parrot jokes are too worn out
    so let us joke on living pirates.
    whra whra whra whra
    Forty two interpretations on concurrency
    That made us really scary.
    but unfortunately
    we recognized a bit of C

  9. An ode to a fringe:
    There was a mad prof called Jon Kerridge
    Who said I've got a brain haemorrhage
    I planned the WOTUG
    But feel like a mug
    Because all that Welch wants is more beverage.

  10. Occam-pi dot org £8
    A research assistant to port RMoX to the PC104 £26,000
    Getting pissed out of your skull with Peter at CPA?

  11. Scene: 20 Million processes were moving rapidly through a TUNA network.

    Process # 0: So what language are we programmed in today?

    Process # 17,384,473: Beats me, mate! I just offered to SYNC with those guys in the 19,380,000 - 19,380,042 layers, and haven't heard nothing! I'm worried we're in JCSP

    Process 3,871432: Nah, we'd all have overflowed memory by now...

    Process 19,999,999: Agreed. I think we're in occam-pi --- but I'm worried we're in a transterpreter.

    Process #0: That's OK, I heard they just got the Native Code Generator sorted. Process #42 told me he just COMMSTIMED with #43, #44, and #45 in 22 picoseconds!!!

    Process # 17,384,473: (again, and always pessimistic) Yeah --- but with our luck they'll have ported us to the .NET Frame..........

    (Long Pause)


  12. William of Ockham, Albert Einstein, and Stephen Hawking walk into a bar.
    Bartender: Oh, NO! Not another bloody parallel programming joke.

  13. Q: What is at the end of Fred's NOCC?
    A: A KRoC of old.

  14. Q: Will Peter Welch ever commit to the 30-minutes-BARRIER?
    A: Only the oracle knows.

  15. Q: What's the difference between CSP / UML and the Napier tower?
    A: One's a competing process architecture, the other is a process of competing architectures.

  16. Attempting a multi-way sync with a drunk oracle results in Gerald sleeping in and missing breakfast.

  17. Please disqualify any `dead parrot' kind of jokes (i.e. corny jokes with a few words replaced by `occam', `CSP', etc.)

  18. Q: What made Peter plump?
    A: Too much occam pie.

  19. Was it trans-ter-preter or trans-prefer --
    was it cpu-id or cup-i-do
    (comment by original author found on page: `(buuuh!)')

  20. Audio Joke, good but no script submitted.

  21. Scene: Javasoft Language Design Team, a coffee shop somewhere in Palo Alto (circa 1993)

    Jim G.: So that's agreed, then? A thread waits until it gets NOTIFIED....

    (Loud rustling off stage --- 3 scarlet coloured ruffians jump into view, scattering the assembled team)

    Scarlet Ruffian #1 (screams): NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION....

    Scarlet Ruffian #2 (screams): YOU CAN'T JUST WAIT ON A NOTIFY. WE CAN JUST INTERRUPT YOU AT ANY TIME WE CHOOSE (said with menace)

    Scarlet Ruffian #1 (screams): NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION....

    Jim G. (shocked): Yikes, OK, OK We'll do THAT. A thread waits until it is notified... OR it gets interrupted.

    Scarlet Ruffian #3 (screams): NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION.... We could NOTIFY ALL the WAITING threads --- at the same time

    Jim G. (groans): OK, so that's agreed then, We'll do that! A thread waits until it gets notified OR until it gets interrupted OR someone notifies all the threads

    Scarlet Ruffian #2: DON'T forget timeouts! (voice very menacing) Don't forget we can time you out

    Jim G.: Can I specify the timeout period?

    Scarlet Ruffian #2: YES. But we can choose to wake you up any time AFTER your timeout, EQUAL TO your timeout, OR BEFORE your timeout period!

    Scarlet Ruffian #1 (screams): NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION

    Jim G. (sigh): OK, OK, OK, That's agreed then. We'll do that! A thread waits until it gets notified, OR until it gets interrupted, OR someone notifies all threads, OR until its timeout period expires ...., OR doesn't expire!

    Scarlet Ruffian #3: HOLD ON! Don't forget we are ALL POWERFUL... We can just let the thread go at any time at all for no damn reason

    Jim G. (sigh): OK, OK, That's agreed then. We'll do that! A thread waits until it gets notified, OR until it gets interrupted, OR we notify all threads, OR until its timeout period expires ...., OR doesn't expire OR for no damn reason at all! (sigh)

    Scarlet Ruffian #1, #2 & #3 (in chorus): NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!

    Epilogue: And this is the true story of how Java threads came to be.

  22. Q: Why are so many participants typing away at their portables, faster and faster, move and more disturbing for the others, while the day progresses?
    A: What else could they do? (Remark from the typer: guess where I'm just typing these Jokes up...)

  23. Q: Why did we not meet in the Triangle for enlightenment?
    A: Peter was busy lecturing.

  24. Microsoft Rejoice: Alting over Control and Delete proven Correct.

  25. Thoughts on Mobility:
    Mobile channels
    Mobile processes
    Mobile processors
    Mobile conferences -> MCPA also known as PCB (Peter's Conference Bus)

  26. Knock-knock
    Who's there?
    SKIP who?
    SKIP who?
    Who's there?
    SKIP who?
    Who's there?

  27. A Limerick
    There once was a process named SKIP
    Who's performance started to dip
    When along came a PAR
    Implemented in JCSP.jar
    And SKIP's performance really ZIPS!

  28. Process Oriented Haiku
    FDR, occam
    Process-Oriented rules:

  29. Disqualified for plagiarism!

  30. .NET Haiku
    C# is very --'
    It cut through Microsoft's net
    Nothing runs too long

  31. Q: Why do Pirates like CSP?
    A: Because it helps them to Sink-Chronise Ships

  32. Q:Why did nobody get wet from the Rain Virtual Machine lecture?
    A: It stopped raining

  33. Q: How many formal methods researchers does it take to change a light bulb ?
    A: One who hands it to three Scotsmen which reduces it to a previously known joke.

  34. NOCC, NOCC,
    Who's there?
    C who?
    C what you get when you write a compiler.

  35. Q: Why are Pirates always ambushing the CPA conference?
    A: Because they just ARRRRRRH.

    (Note: for some reason, CPA has been meeting around International Talk Like A Pirate Day (see www.talklikeapirate.com). Rumours that the site is secretly hosted by transterpreter.org are wholly unfounded. CPA 2007 takes place in July. If the date for Talk Like A Pirate Day mysteriously changes, the rumours may fly back ...)

  36. Multi-Freding, for when 120,000 lines of C just ain't enough.

  37. Q: Why can't the Transterpreter fly?
    A: Because it can't smoke its own hash.

  38. Q: Why don't industry use CSP?
    A: They don't know who we Arrrrr.