WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

A Development Method Boosted by Synchronous Active Objects

Authors: Petitpierre, Claude


This paper presents a novel development method for interactive and distributedapplications. The benefit that this method provides is that the design gives clearguidance towards the implementation. The method is based on three mainelements: a concept of synchronous active objects that is closely related to thatfound in CSP; the Java environment; and a selection of the diagrams defined byUML. This approach alleviates many of the most serious problems that areencountered when using GUI builders, which hide the application structures andso make it difficult to devise sound architectures. The final part of the paper brieflydescribes an application generator that will help a developer to implement a designwhich is developed according to the approach advocated here.


Communicating Process Architectures 2003, Jan F. Broenink, Gerald H. Hilderink, 2003, pp 17 - 32 published by IOS Press, Amsterdam

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