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Formal Contracts: Enabling Component Composition

Authors: db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
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Boosten, Marcel


Traditional component interaction is based on interface calls and callbacks. Such interaction can introduce integration faults, i.e., side effects at the moment of component integration. Solutions to such problems can be hard to apply, and may require drastic changes in the design of the involved components. This paper introduces Formal Contracts, a software construct that allows side-effect free component interaction, and thereby avoids the introduction of integration faults. Furthermore, via a state machine representing the inter-component contract, Formal Contracts, in addition to the static aspects, formally specify the dynamic aspects of component interaction. Formal Contracts are a pragmatic software mechanism that supports the full development cycle: from the specification and decomposition until the debugging, composition, and test of a system.


db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"

Communicating Process Architectures 2003, db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
Jan F. Broenink, Gerald H. Hilderink, 2003, pp 185 - 197 db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
published by IOS Press, Amsterdam

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