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Paper Details

  title = "{S}olving {P}artial {D}ifferential equations via {C}ellular {A}utomata: {A} {B}inary and {S}tatistical {A}pproach",
  author= "Cosnuau, A. and Desbois, F. and Morchoisne, Y.",
  editor= "Wexler, J.",
  pages = "190--195",
  booktitle= "{OUG}-11: {D}eveloping {T}ransputer {A}pplications",
  isbn= "90 5199 020 0",
  year= "1989",
  month= "sep",
  abstract= "Cellular automata are used to solve partial differential
     equations (PDE) discretized on a non-regular grid. Boolean
     representations of real numbers are introduced and logical
     intrinsic computer functions are used to achieve algebraic
     operations of the finite difference algorithm. In a first
     step the method is briefly explained and then implementation
     is described. For diffusion or convection problems,
     preliminary computations on a Cray-XMP18 and on a network of
     T800 Transputers were done."

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