WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
  title = "{E}vent-{B}ased {D}esign of {C}oncurrent {P}rograms with {J}ava {I}mplementation",
db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
  author= "Rischel, H. and Sun, H.",
db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
  editor= "Chalmers, Alan G. and Mirmehdi, Majid and Muller, Henk",
db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
  pages = "117--128",
  booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2001",
  isbn= "1 58603 202 X",
  year= "2001",
  month= "sep",
  abstract= "A systematic design approach to safety-critical systems is
     introduced by means of the Production Cell case study. The
     design is documented using CSP-style processes, which allow
     verifications using formal techniques, as well as
     programming in Java using the JCSP library."

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