WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T Experimental studies of conservative distributed discrete\-event simulation on transputer networks
%A W. Cal, Stephen J. Turner
%E Stephen J. Turner
%B OUG\-12: Tools and Techniques for Transputer Applications
%X Computer\-based discrete\-event simulation has a relatively
   long history. Traditionally, it has been performed in a
   sequential manner: the event\-list simulation mechanism
   ([1]) is a typical example. The idea of distributed
   simulation was proposed by Chandy in 1977 and is now being
   developed mainly along two directions \- the conservative
   approach (deadlock avoidance ([2]) and deadlock recovery
   ([3])) and the optimistic approach (time warp
   ([4])).Distributed simulation explores the potential
   parallelism inherent in most simulation applications. Each
   physical process (PP) in the application is simulated by a
   logical process (LP) in the simulation model. Events in the
   physical system are simulated by message transmissions
   between IPs. Since many simulation applications contain a
   high degree of parallelism, simulation seems to be a natural
   candidate for parallel processing. But, the causality
   constraint of the simulation, that is, events simulated by
   an LP must have a nondecreasing simulation time, is not
   easily maintained by distributed processing. Many strategies
   have been proposed: however, experimental studies need to be
   conducted in order to discover how much speed\-up is
   achieved with a distributed simulation as compared to
   sequential methods. Previous performance studies by other
   researchers ([5,6]) have mainly been carried out on
   shared\-memory parallel processors. In this paper, a set of
   experimental results is presented, designed to evaluate the
   effectiveness of conservative distributed simulation
   strategies on message\-passing parallel processors such as

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