WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T The design of a real time three demensional vision system for object idenification
%A Janet Edwards, Ian P. W. Sillitoe
%E Stephen J. Turner
%B OUG\-12: Tools and Techniques for Transputer Applications
%X The paper describes the design and analysis of a transputer
   based application, written in Occara\-2 and implemented on a
   network of transputers. The system generates volumetric
   representations of industrial objects in real time from a
   set of multiple views and forms a testbed for the
   investigation of various identification techniques to be
   used within an experimental industrial robotic workcell.The
   paper outlines the algorithm, its implementation and the
   efficacy of various design techniques used to increase the
   response of the system. It also makes recommendations for
   further work and useful tools to assist in writing efficient
   Occam code more effectively.

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