WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T An operating environment for control systems
%A K. C. J. Wijbrans, H. G. Tillema, André W. P. Bakkers, Albert L. Schoute
%E Hussein S. M. Zedan
%B OUG\-13: Real\-Time Systems with Transputers
%X This article describes an operating environment for control
   systems. This operating environment contains the basic
   layers of a distributed operating system. Typical for this
   operating environment is that it is designed according to
   the needs of control systems. To do this, first the general
   requirements of a controller have been investigated. Based
   on the requirements posed by controllers as they can be
   found in complex systems, the requirements of the operating
   environment have been derived. This operating environment
   has been implemented on transputers. To test the performance
   of the operating environment, performance indicators were
   chosen and performance measurements were carried out for
   several different strategies. Due to the demanding nature of
   real\-time control systems, special attention has been paid
   to an efficient implementation of a basic kernel.

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