WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T Using Java for Parallel Computing \- JCSP versus CTJ
%A Nan C. Schaller, Gerald H. Hilderink, Peter H. Welch
%E Peter H. Welch, André W. P. Bakkers
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2000
%X Java provides support for concurrent and parallel
   programming throughthreads, monitors and its socket and
   Remote Method Invocation (RMI) classes.However, there have
   been many concerns expressed about the way in which
   thissupport is provided, e.g., [1][2], citing problems such
   as improper implementation ofmonitors and difficulty of
   programming with threads. Hoareā€™s CommunicatingSequential
   Processes (CSP) [3][4][5] model fully specifies thread
   synchronizationand is based on processes, compositions, and
   channel communication. It provides amathematical notation
   for describing patterns of communication using
   algebraicexpressions and contains formal proofs for
   analyzing, verifying and eliminatingundesirable conditions,
   such as race hazards, deadlocks, livelock, and
   starvation.Two independent research efforts provide a CSP
   based process\-oriented designpattern for concurrency
   implemented in Java: Communicating Sequential Processesfor
   Java (JCSP) [6] and Communication Threads in Java (CTJ) [7].
   In this paper, wecompare these two packages, looking at the
   philosophy behind their development,their similarities,
   their differences, their performance, and their use.

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