WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T A JCSP.net Implementation of a Massively Multiplayer Online Game
%A Shyam Kumar, G. S. Stiles
%E Peter H. Welch, Jon Kerridge, Frederick R. M. Barnes
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2006
%X We have developed a simple massively multiplayer online game
   system as a test bed for evaluating the usefulness and
   performance of JCSP.net. The system consists of a primary
   login server, secondary servers managing play on
   geographically distinct playing fields, and an arbitrary
   number of players. The basic structure of the game system is
   fairly simple, and has been verified to be free from
   deadlock and livelock using CSP and FDR. The JCSP.net
   implementation is straight\-forward and includes
   over\-writing buffers so that disconnected players will not
   block the servers and other players. Performance tests on
   local area networks under Windows demonstrate that five
   secondary servers easily support 1,000 machine\-generated
   players making moves every two to five seconds. The player
   move end\-to\-end time was about 65 milliseconds, which is
   considered fast enough to support fast\-action online games.
   Conversion from Windows to Linux required minimal effort;
   limited tests confirmed that versions using Linux alone, and
   Windows and Linux together, were also successful.

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