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Paper Details

%T LUNA: Hard Real\-Time, Multi\-Threaded, CSP\-Capable Execution Framework
%A Maarten M. Bezemer, Robert J.W. Wilterdink, Jan F. Broenink
%E Peter H. Welch, Adam T. Sampson, Jan Bækgaard Pedersen, Jon Kerridge, Jan F. Broenink, Frederick R. M. Barnes
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2011
%X Modern embedded systems have multiple cores available. The
   CTC++ library is not able to make use of these cores, so a
   new framework is required to control the robotic setups in
   our lab. This paper first looks into the available
   frameworks and compares them to the requirements for
   controlling the setups. It concludes that none of
   the available frameworks meet the requirements, so a new
   framework is developed, called LUNA. The LUNA architecture
   is component based, resulting in a modular structure. The
   core components take care of the platform related issues.
   For each supported platform, these components have a
   different implementation, effectively providing a
   platform abstraction layer. High\-level components take
   care of platform\-independent tasks, using the core
   components. Execution engine components implement the
   algorithms taking care of the execution flow, like a CSP
   implementation. The paper describes some
   interesting architectural challenges encountered during the
   LUNA development and their solutions. It concludes with a
   comparison between LUNA, C++CSP2 and CTC++. LUNA is shown
   to be more efficient than CTC++ and C++CSP2 with respect to
   switching between threads. Also, running a benchmark using
   CSP constructs, shows that LUNA is more efficient compared
   to the other two. Furthermore, LUNA is also capable of
   controlling actual robotic setups with good timing

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