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Paper Details

%T PICOMS: Prioritised Inferred Choice Over Multiway Synchronisation
%A Douglas N. Warren
%E Peter H. Welch, S. Stepney, F.A.C Polack, Frederick R. M. Barnes, Alistair A. McEwan, G. S. Stiles, Jan F. Broenink, Adam T. Sampson
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2008
%X The ability to make a choice over multiway synchronisations
   (COMS) has always been an integral part of CSP. However, it
   is something that has been conspicuous by its absence from
   many concurrent languages, limiting their expressive power.
   Implementation of a 2\-phase commit protocol to resolve such
   choice can result in large overheads, caused by
   synchronisation offers having to be withdrawn. The recent
   Oracle (single\-phase) algorithm resolves COMS efficiently,
   for shared memory concurrency at least. However, the Oracle
   only deals with <i>arbitrary</i> choice and does
   not obviously extend to <i>prioritised</i>
   choice (where we assume the priorities of the participating
   processes are not in conflict). PICOMS is a
   proposed efficient method for resolving COMS that honours
   non\-conflicting priorities, with only a modest increase in
   complexity over the Oracle method.

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