Proceedings details
Title: OUG-7: Parallel Programming of Transputer Based Machines
Subtitle: Proceedings of the 7th occam User Group Technical Meeting
Editors: Traian Muntean
Publisher: IOS Press, Amsterdam
ISBN: 90 5199 0073
- Security aspects of occam 2 Roger Shepherd, 8 pages
- The TDS occam 2 debugging system C. O'Neil, 6 pages
- On guards Geraint Jones, 10 pages
- Mathmatical models of distributing computation D. Pritchard, 12 pages
- Occam transformation at Oxford Michael Goldsmith, 18 pages
- Routing messages through networks: An exerecise in deadlock avoidance A. W. Roscoe, 25 pages
- LATIN -- A language for transputer networks D. Crookes, P. Milligan, N. S. Scott, P. L. Kilpatrick, Philip J. Morrow, 16 pages
- Experiments with a transputer-based diffusion architecture D. McBurney, M. R. Sleep, 12 pages
- Multilayer perceptrons on transputer networks N. Dodd, 12 pages
- A transputer based neurocomputer A. Johannet, G. Loheac, L. Personnaz, I. Guyon, G. Dreyfus, 8 pages
- Parallel implementations of a molecular dynamics program for Lennard-Jones particles on transputer network V. Martorana, M. Migliore, S. L. Fornilli, 7 pages
- Managing real-time demands on transputers Peter H. Welch, 11 pages
- Occam's priority model and deadline scheduling A. Burns, 14 pages
- Monitoring occam channels by program transformation Peter C. Capon, Adrian J. West, 10 pages
- Operating models for (reconfigurable) transputer networks Traian Muntean, C. Tricot, 16 pages
- An analysis and reconfiguration tool for mapping parallel programs onto transputer networks D. Ch. Meier, A. Wespi, J. E. Boillat, P. G. Kropf, 9 pages
- An occam architecture for reconfigurable systems M. H. Barton, N. J. Edwards, 15 pages
- Transputer and parallel computation at the GMD M. Mevenkamp, S. Streitz, 11 pages
- Transputers and parallel prolog J. Reynolds, 8 pages
- A real time prolog compiler for multi- transputer architectures for knowledge based systems applications D. Bosley, J. Mortimer, 10 pages
- Data structures for parallel architectures in artificial intelligence A. Dixon, 13 pages
- Image processing on the reconfigurable transputer processor J. G. Harp, H. C. Webber, 9 pages
- DRAT -- A proposal for a dynamic reconfigurable array of transputers to support database applications Jon Kerridge, 11 pages
- GRAIL -- Graphical representation of activity, interconnection and loading S. Stepney, GRAIL, 9 pages
- A transputer network simulator Y. Kermarrec, R. Rannou, 16 pages
- A transputer-based architecture for graphics M. Meriaux, A. Atamenia, E. Lepretre, 10 pages
- A distributed architecture for simulating microprocessor systems I. Gorton, 11 pages
- Design of a real-time operating system (RTOS) for robot control André W. P. Bakkers, R. Van Rooij, L. James, 10 pages
- Use of occam and the transputer architecture for matrix inversion S. Tian, G. Xu, Y-H. Pao, W. L. Schultz, 11 pages
- Computational statistics on a multi-transputer architecture D. Lafaye de Micheaux, A. Maurin, 26 pages
- A parallel processing architecture for ODEs J. M. Favre, C. S. Coray, 13 pages
- Some numerical experiments on transputer networks A. Cosnuau, O. Poirel, 11 pages
- Using transputers in finite elements calculations: A first approach J. S. R. Filho Alves, D. R. J. Owen, 13 pages
- The development of a parallel C compiler K. Wybrans, R. Kurver, 9 pages
- HELIOS -- An operating system for the transputer N. H. Garnett, 9 pages
- Parallelisation of computational algorithms for a transputer network: An approach R. Hilhorst, 5 pages
- The occam process of the N-ARCH Kernel S. Niar, G. Goncalves, M. P. Lecouffe, B. Toursel, 8 pages
- Optical character recognition on a network of transputers P. Patry, 16 pages
- The knapsack solver: A benchmark for parallel computing systems D. Call, 18 pages
- Ray-tracing on super-node D. Gasilloud, B. Mignot, 6 pages
- Simulation fonctionnelle d'une architecture parallele en occam Y. Ansade, R. Cornu-Emieux, D. Lattard, G. Mazare, Ph. Objois, 7 pages