Proceedings details
Title: OUG-9: Occam and the Transputer -- Research and Applications
Subtitle: Proceedings of the 9th occam User Group Technical Meeting
Editors: Charlie Askew
Publisher: IOS Press, Amsterdam
ISBN: 90 5199 010 3
- Virtual memory management for the transputer P. J. Bakkes, 6 pages
- CDL -- A distribution language for HELIOS C. H. R. Grimsdale, 6 pages
- A concurrent approach to the Towers of Hanoi W. D. Crowe, P. E. D. Strain-Clark, 10 pages
- An OCCAM@ implementation of prolog and its preliminary performance Kang Zhang, 14 pages
- The meaning and implementation of PRI ALT in occam Geoff Barrett, Michael Goldsmith, Geraint Jones, A. Kay, 10 pages
- Simulation of gas pipeline networks Minesh Patel, Paul Bentley, Clifton Hughes, 6 pages
- An extension of the processor farm using a tree architecture S. A. Green, Derek J. Paddon, 18 pages
- A preprocessor to augment the description of occam processes for multitransputer machines Hiromi Ohara, Hajime Iizuka, 10 pages
- Randomised routing: "Hot potato" simulations Xu Ming Qiang, Stephen J. Turner, 10 pages
- Mapping a process network onto a processor network Francis C. M. Lau, K. M. Shea, 10 pages
- Support for occam channels via dynamic switching in multi-transputer machines Peter Jones, Alan Murta, 12 pages
- The computing tower: A supercomputer for real- time simulation of continuous systems Patrick van Renterghem, 12 pages
- The application of transputers and occam to an industrial energy management system Andy Sinclair, Paul Kelly, 10 pages
- Fast prototyping of architectural designs using transputers David B. Skillicorn, 4 pages
- GECKO: A graphical tool for the modelling and manipulation of occam software and transputer hardware topologies Marc Stephenson, Olivier Boudillet, 6 pages
- A state-of-the-art radar pulse deiterleaver S. P. Turner, Rick D. Beton, C. Upstill, 8 pages
- Techniques for rendering solid objects on a processor farm Peter M. Dew, Nick Holliman, David Morris, Alan de Pennington, 16 pages
- A prototype simulator output movie system based on parallel processing technology N. Carmichael, D. Hewson, J. van der Vorst, 7 pages