Proceedings details
Title: OUG-11: Developing Transputer Applications
Editors: J. Wexler
Publisher: IOS Press, Amsterdam
ISBN: 90 5199 020 0
- TROS: A Real Time Kernel for a Fault-Tolerant Multi-Processor Computer Based on Argument Flow Eric Verhulst, R. Lauwereins, R. Cuyvers, J. Peperstraete, 13 pages
- Dynamicity through Occam and TDS D. Millot, J. Vautherin, 9 pages
- A CASE Tool for Designing Deadlock-Free OCCAM Programs W. D. Crowe, R. Hasson, P. E. D. Strain-Clark, 13 pages
- A Deadlock Detection Tool for Occam Wouter Joosen, Pierre Verbaeten, 19 pages
- Towards a Software Architecture for Solid Modelling Systems on Processor Networks J. R. Davy, Peter M. Dew, Nick Holliman, D.P. Mallon, Alan de Pennington, 14 pages
- An Irregular Distributed Simulation Problem with a Dynamic Logical Process Structure Ming Q. Xu, Stephen J. Turner, Nie Pin, 11 pages
- A Generally Configurable Multigrid Implementation for Transputer Networks Osama El-Giar, Tim Hopkins, 9 pages
- Self-Adjusting Mapping: A Heuristic Mapping Algorithm for Mapping Parallel Programs onto Transputer Networks Hong Shen, 10 pages
- The Investigation of Communications Patterns in Occam Programs Rosemary Candlin, Qiangyi Luo, Neil Skilling, 10 pages
- A System Configuration for very large Database Problems [Extended Abstract] Alan G. Chalmers, Derek J. Paddon, 4 pages
- A Comparison of Parallel Implementations of Flux Corrected Transport Codes Jing-ming Jong, G. S. Stiles, 16 pages
- Simulating Neural Networks in a Distributed environments Jukka Vanhala, Kimmo Kaski, 13 pages
- Attribute Evaluation on a Network of Transputers Matthijs F. Kuiper, Atze Dijkstra, 8 pages
- An Object Oriented Style for the Computing Surface Matthew Chalmers, 9 pages
- C_NET A C++ Based Language For Distributed And Real Time Programming Jean_Marc Adamo, 12 pages
- Real-Time Transputer Models of a Low-Level Primate Vision Andrew B. Smith, Peter H. Welch, 11 pages
- ICR: A Transputer-Based Intelligent Character Reader Francis Wong F.S., Koh Liang Seng, 8 pages
- Solving Partial Differential equations via Cellular Automata: A Binary and Statistical Approach A. Cosnuau, F. Desbois, Y. Morchoisne, 6 pages