Proceedings details
Title: OUG-12: Tools and Techniques for Transputer Applications
Editors: Stephen J. Turner
Publisher: IOS Press, Amsterdam
ISBN: 90 5199 029 4
- "Do it yourself" shared memory instruction sets in occam M. I. Cole, 10 pages
- A deadlock-free communication system for a transputer network E. Gallizzi, M. Cannataro, G. Spezzano, Domenico Talia, 11 pages
- A parallel semantic net engine and its application to data modeling Y. N. Lee, 12 pages
- Parallel-DB4GL: An implementation of a self-describing object-oriented database application generator on transputer hardware J. P. Gray, F. Poole, 16 pages
- Using Transputers to Simulate Optoelectronic Computers I. Cramb, C. Upstill, 10 pages
- An investigation of several parallel genetic algorithms Donald Macfarlane, Ian R. East, 8 pages
- An efficient global convergence detection scheme for parallel algorithms on transputer network K. G. Kumar, A. Basu, S. Srinivas, A. Paulraj, 12 pages
- Implementing Recursion on a Double Ring Topology J. L. Jacquemin, 5 pages
- A Distributed Logic Programming Language and its Implementation on Transputer Networks José A. Cardoso Cunha, Pedro A. Duarte Medeiros, Luis M. Pereira, 12 pages
- CS-Prolog -- Parallel programming in logic with transputers Steffen Schulze-Kremer, 14 pages
- Transputer models for a high-performance local area network bridge A. M. Sarrafan, Peter H. Welch, 11 pages
- Design of a High Performance Protocol Analysis system using transputers Sarvajna Kazi, Robert D. Hockman, 10 pages
- Host-independent access to transputers Roger M. A. Peel, 6 pages
- Experimental studies of conservative distributed discrete-event simulation on transputer networks W. Cal, Stephen J. Turner, 10 pages
- A Transputer-based Workstation Accelerator for Optimisation Algorithms F. W. D. Woodhams, W. L. Price, 6 pages
- Occam program synthesis for execution on parallel machines: Towards a transformational approach Xiaobo Yu, Traian Muntean, 14 pages
- A Dynamic Switch for Transputer Links Jaap Hofstede, Andre Lensink, 11 pages
- Processor Farm Analysis and Simulation for Embedded Parallel Processing Systems R. W. S. Tregidgo, A. C. Downton, 11 pages
- A method for monitoring occam internal channels A. d'Acierno, Giuseppe de Pietro, Umberto Villano, 8 pages
- The design of a real time three demensional vision system for object idenification Janet Edwards, Ian P. W. Sillitoe, 8 pages
- Control of a servo loop for a vision system Tonny Stavenuiter, Herman Roebbers, 13 pages
- An application of ultrasonic signal processing in a mixed system of transputers and digital signal processors Alastair R. Allen, Dalan Wang, 4 pages
- Incremental behavioral simulations on a network of transputers Keith Dimond, Samir Hassan, 9 pages
- A high level software and environment for transputer based systems Adrian J. West, Peter C. Capon, 11 pages