Proceedings details
Title: OUG-13: Real-Time Systems with Transputers
Editors: Hussein S. M. Zedan
Publisher: IOS Press, Amsterdam
ISBN: 90 5199 041 3
- RT-DOS -- A real-time distributed operating system for transputers M. Tayh, M. Bor, M. Benmaiza, M. R. Eskicioglu, 11 pages
- On the Feasibility of Run-Time Process Migration in Multi-transputer Machines Peter Jones, Hojung Cha, 16 pages
- Broadcast communication in fault tolerant multicomputer systems K. Gresser, 7 pages
- Transputer performance issues using the trollius operating system James R. Jr. Beers, Ros Leibensperger, Moshe Braner, David Fielding, 16 pages
- High performance event and I/O handling on the transputer R. G. Harley, D. C. Levy, A. W. M. Hemme, M. R. Webster, 10 pages
- Evaluation of two systems for distributed message passing in transputer networks N. N. Avramov, A. E. Knowles, 13 pages
- An environment for transputer CPU load measurements Giuseppe de Pietro, Umberto Villano, 9 pages
- An operating environment for control systems K. C. J. Wijbrans, H. G. Tillema, André W. P. Bakkers, Albert L. Schoute, 12 pages
- LiBRA -- A load balancing tool for a reconfigurable parallel computer Sanjay Tambwekar, U. S. Shukla, A. Paulraj, 13 pages
- Fault tolerant computing with transputers and occam L. J. M. Nieuwenhuis, G. D. Blom, 11 pages
- The Development of occam: types, classes and sharing Geoff Barrett, 29 pages
- Combining configuration and allocation Dong-Hui Du, Guy Vidal-Naquet, 10 pages
- Towards a distributed implementation of occam Mark Debbage, Mark Hill, Denis A. Nicole, 10 pages
- Cayley graphs and transputer network configuration Ian R. East, Sabah Jassim, 7 pages
- Cooperative priority scheduling in occam Johan P. E. Sunter, K. C. J. Wijbrans, André W. P. Bakkers, 11 pages
- Implementation of real-time scheduling algorithms in a transputer environment Ole Caprani, Jens E. Kristensen, Claus Mørk, Henrik Bo Pedersen, Finn R. Rasmussen, 12 pages
- Multi-priority scheduling for transputer-based real-time control Peter H. Welch, 17 pages
- Transputers and routers: Components for concurrent machines David May, Peter Thompson, 17 pages
- Predictable response times and portable hard real-time systems with TRANS-RTXc on the Transputer Eric Verhulst, Hans Thielemans, 9 pages
- Prototyping transputer applications E. Hart, S. Flavell, 7 pages
- Diffusion limited aggregation: An example of real-time parallelisation D. R. Morse, A. M. Welch, Peter H. Welch, 14 pages
- A formal top-down developement method for occam programs Donal Roantree, Maurice Clint, 25 pages
- An assessment of the use of occam for dependable real-time systems A. Burns, A. J. Wellings, Hussein S. M. Zedan, 8 pages
- Memory access synchronization in series expansion methods of parallel image reconstruction W. J. Nowinski, 10 pages
- Distributing matrix eigenvalue calculations over transputer arrays Tim Hopkins, Barry Vowden, 8 pages
- Parallel panel methods Alan G. Chalmers, Steven P. Fiddes, Derek J. Paddon, 9 pages
- Shared virtual memory on transputers via the data diffusion machine Sanjay Raina, David H. D. Warren, James Cownie, 9 pages
- Am interactive graphical debugger for occam programs N. Abdennadher, J. C. Angue, 8 pages
- Virtualising communication in the C-NET high level programming environment Jean_Marc Adamo, J. Bonneville, C. Bonello, 11 pages