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Refer Proceedings details%T PEDFLOW \- A System for Modelling Pedestrian Movement using occam %A Jon Kerridge, N. McNair %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X Road traffic modelling and simulation is currently well provided with a variety of packages dealing with the minute detail of road layouts from single isolated junction models to complete network simulations. There has also been much work in developing assignment models to optimise traffic signal sequences. The same is not true in the pedestrian modelling arena. With the exception of models dealing with railway and airport concourses and models of pedestrian movements around sports stadia there is very little support for the planner or designer of the pedestrian urban environment. The system discussed in this paper provides some insights as to the reasons for this and describes a highly parallel microscopic model called PEDFLOW (PEDestrian FLOW) which attempts to remedy the situation. The model operates on a grid size that is equivalent to the space occupied by a person at rest. The major difference between vehicular and pedestrian movement is that the former really has only one degree of freedom, forwards, whereas a pedestrian has unlimited two\-dimensional degrees of freedom. Vehicular travel is governed by a large number of laws and regulations that make it much easier to model. Within the pedestrian urban environment there are very few laws and regulations and those that do apply are related to interactions with vehicles. The design of PEDFLOW is discussed and it is shown how the complex behavioural rules governing pedestrian movement are captured. The parallel architecture underlying the model is described and it shows how the maximum possible parallelism is achieved among all the moving pedestrians at any one time. The performance of the model is then presented and uses to which the model is being put are then briefly presented. %T Another Side of SPoC: occam\[rs]s ALTer Ego Dissected with PC\-lint %A Øyvind Teig %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X 26500 lines of Standard C (ANSI C) generated from occam sources by the Southampton Portable occam Compiler (SPoC) has been analysed by the static analysis tool PC\-lint. The target machine is a TMS320C32 DSP where all (the supported) C\\[rs]s primitive data types are mapped to 32 bit read and writes. This architecture stretches "ANSI" C quite a bit, but the "portable" occam compiler promised to handle it. Even if we had experienced no problems with the generated code and it compiled with all error handling enabled, we had to insert some 15\-20 different global PC\-lint filters plus local filters via in\-line C in the occam sources. This was in addition to the base\-level filters we also used for hand\-written C. It kept PC\-lint quiet, for individual C files as well as "global wrap up". By discussing each individual filter we arrive at the conclusion that none hid errors in the generated C. The analysis revealed a few points where the occam language definition could have been made stricter. We would like to PC\-lint the generated sources with fewer messages disabled \- changes to SPoC are therefore suggested. Altogether SPoC seems to have passed this test quite well. Even if we have no expertise to modify the (open) SPoC sources, this report could be considered as contributing to a prospective "Bazaar" development model \- to bring forward an even more robust compiler for a portable and perhaps prospering occam language. %T A Proposal for an Operating System for a Multi\-Processor StrongARM System %A E. W. K. Liew, Brian C. O'Neill, Adam K. L. Wong, S. Clark, P. D. Thomas, R. Cant %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X This paper describes real\-time software features to support parallel processing. Synchronized channel communications are implemented as a basic operating system function for a distributed memory multi\-processor StrongARM system. Inter\-processor communications are handled using the ICR C416 packet router switch, which makes the system scalable. The system will provide a considerable layer of software abstraction and support to the end\-users for developing their applications. The kernel layers, inter\-process communications, control flow of application software, and the stages involved in application development for end\-users, are described here. Some performance considerations are briefly discussed. %T BSP Modelling of Two Tiered Architectures %A Jeremy M. R. Martin, Alex V. Tiskin %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X In recent years there has been a trend towards using standard workstation components to construct parallel computers, due to the enourmous costs involved in designing and manufacturing special\-purpose hardware. In particular we can expect to see a large population of SMP clusters emerging in the next few years. These are local\-area networks of workstations, each containing around four parallel processors with a single shared memory. To use such machines effectively will be a major headache for programmers and compiler\-writers. Here we consider how well\-suited the BSP model might be for these two\-tier architectures, and whether it would be useful to extend the model to allow for non\-uniform communication behaviour. %T Supercomputing Resource Management \- Experience with the SGI Cray Origin 2000 %A Jeremy M. R. Martin, R. C. F. McLatchie, K. M. Measures %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X The Oxford Supercomputing Centre OSC was established in April 1998 to provide high\-performance computing services to a consortium of Oxford University research groups. The main computer resource, an 84\-processor SGI Cray Origin 2000 known as Oscar, is being deployed in a wide variety of research studies covering biological, medical, chemical, mathematical, physical and engineering topics (including parallel computing itself). In this paper we shall describe the queueing and accounting mechanisms we have developed to facilitate effective use of this powerful resource. We shall also describe innovative work in progress to optimise the performance of this machine, using simulation and genetic algorithms. %T Java Joins IEEE\-1355 in the Home Network %A Barry M. Cook, N. H. White %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X Issues concerning Home networks are discussed. The two main areas are the physical connections used and the communications protocols required. Of the physical connections available the IEEE\-1355 family is addressed in particular. The software protocol proposed consists of embedding device drivers within the device itself. The device uploads its driver to one or many intelligent units. This approach is achieved here by using Java bytecode. It is argued that this mechanism eliminates the need for a pre\-determined all\-encompassing protocol, provides a simple and future\-proof system and ensures that home networks can be quite literally plug and play. %T An Algorithm for Caching Software to Configurable Hardware %A J. D. Campbell %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X In the same fashion that a memory cache arranges for machine instructions and data that are frequently accessed to operate from high speed memory, the functionality cache installs hardware implementations of frequently executed code sequences in reconfigurable hardware. Code sequences become candidates for instantiation as hardware if the benefits outweigh the costs over some accounting period. Algorithms are provided for converting sequences of stack manipulations characteristic of executable Java programs into systolic processing circuitry and mapping that machinery into networks of FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). %T CSP/occam on Shared Memory Multiprocessor Workstations %A Kevin Vella, Peter H. Welch %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X This paper outlines the design and performance of a system for executing occam programs on multiprogrammed shared memory multiprocessor workstations. In particular, a fast SMP scheduler that executes process code generated by the standard KRoC compiler (originally designed for uniprocessors) is described; new wait\-free multiprocessor\-safe algorithms for both committed and alternative CSP channel communication operations are presented; a technique for allowing surplus processors to idle altruistically under a multiprogrammed regime is outlined. The run\-time performance of the system is measured under a range of process granularities on one to four processors, using a synthetic benchmark. The performance of two real applications, namely Quickersort and matrix multiplication, is then analysed in some detail. Finally, alternative scheduling strategies to further improve the scalability of the system under conditions of very fine process granularity are proposed. %T User\-Defined Data Types and Operators in occam %A David C. Wood, James Moores %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X This paper describes the addition of user\-defined monadic and dyadic operators to occam, together with some libraries that demonstrate their use. It also discusses some techniques used in their implementation in KRoC for a variety of target machines. %T CCSP \- A Portable CSP\-Based Run\-Time System Supporting C and occam %A James Moores %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X CCSP is a highly portable run\-time system that conforms to the ideas of CSP and supports both the C and occam programming languages. Its aim is to further the use of the CSP mind\-set in both industrial and academic applications. The run\-time system implements a useful and efficient subset of the basic CSP constructs. It allows occam\-style designs to be programmed in C, thereby allowing full use of the optimisation phases of standard C compilers. It supports the KRoC occam system for Linux/PC platforms. In addition, a number of features have emerged from industrial collaboration as essential for soft real\-time systems in the real world. These include: prioritised scheduling with 32 priority levels, integration of communications hardware to provide support for distributed processing, and access to a highly accurate real\-time clock. This paper discusses the high level structure and functionality of the features provided. %T Hard and Soft Priority in CSP %A Adrian E. Lawrence %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X Parallel systems which include priority can experience conflicts when two concurrent processes assign different priorities to the same actions. There are at least two ways to resolve the difficulty: one is to halt; the other is to declare a draw and allocate all the offending actions the same priority. In CSPP these are called respectively hard and soft priority. Originally CSPP included only hard priority. Here we extend the language to include soft priority as well. The Acceptances semantics which is used to define CSPP does not require modification: it captures both soft and hard behaviours. %T Legacy of the Transputer %A Ruth Ivimey-Cook %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X The Inmos transputer was more than a family of processor chips; it was a concept, a new way of looking at system design problems. In many ways that concept lives on in the hardware design houses of today, using macrocells and programmable logic. New Intellectual Property (IP) design houses now specialise in the market the transputer originally addressed, but in many cases the multi\-threaded software written for that hardware is still designed and written using the techniques of the earlier sequential systems. The paper discusses the original aims of the transputer as a system design component, how they have been addressed over the intervening decades and where we should be focussing our thoughts for the new millennium. %T Occam on Field Programmable Gate Arrays \- Steps towards the Para\-PC %A Barry M. Cook, Roger M. A. Peel %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X At the April 1998 WoTUG conference (WoTUG\-21), it was reported that ST Microelectronics was ceasing production of most of the transputer family and its associated serial link components. The possibility of WoTUG members producing transputer\-like devices to emulate many of the transputer\\[rs]s parallel processing and communication concepts was aired. The authors left this meeting with the challenge of designing and implementing their own transputer, preferably to be built in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices rather than custom or semi\-custom silicon, for ease of prototyping and for flexibility of modification and re\-use.</p><p> One year later, this paper outlines the progress that has been made. Rather than just producing processor logic using the standard logic design methods, the authors have written a compiler that translates occam into a number of output formats that can be fed to various logic implementation packages. Occam programs may, however, be joined to logic modules designed in a conventional fashion, using synchronised channels in the usual manner. In addition to the DS\-Link interface that was announced by 4\-Links at WoTUG\-21, an OS\-Link module has been designed by the authors, and both of these may provide external communication interfaces between occam\-based hardware and the outside world.</p><p> Although in their early stages, this paper illustrates several designs that show how occam may be used to specify small processors suitable for mapping onto FPGAs. It also shows how occam is an ideal fast prototyping mechanism for peripheral interfaces that connect to INMOS Links. %T A Distributed Real Time Java System Based on CSP %A Gerald H. Hilderink, Jan F. Broenink, André W. P. Bakkers %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X Real\-time embedded systems in general require a reliability that is orders ofmagnitude higher than what is presently obtainable with state of the art C programs. Thereason for the poor reliability of present day software is the unavailability of a formalismto design sequential C programs.The use of the CSP channel concept not only provides a formal base for inherentlyconcurrent real\-time embedded system design it also adds a parallel dimension to objectoriented programming that is easily understood by programmers.The CSP channels as implemented in Java replaces the hazardous use of multi threadedprogramming with an unambiguous design concept that is easy to reason about. Multithreaded programming is completely removed from the programmer who is merelyrequired to program small sequential tasks that communicate with each other via theseCSP channels. The channel concept that has been implemented in Java deals with singleandmulti processor environments and also takes care of the real\-time priority schedulingrequirements. For this, the notion of priority and scheduling have been carefullyexamined and as a result it was reasoned that both priority and scheduling code should beattached to the communicating channels rather than to the processes. Moreover in theproposed system, the notion of scheduling is no longer connected to the operating systembut has become part of the application instead. One has to get used to the idea that manyschedulers may be running in different parts of a program. The software implementationof the Java channel class may be obtained through: http://www.rt.el.utwente.nl/javapp. %T Communicating Threads for Java %A Jan F. Broenink, André W. P. Bakkers, Gerald H. Hilderink %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X The Java * thread model provides support for multithreading within the language and runtime system of Java. The Java synchronization and scheduling strategy is poorly specified and turns out to be of unsatisfactory real\-time performance. The idea of Java is to let the underlying operating system specify the synchronization and scheduling principles. This may possibly result in different behavior on different operating systems whereas Sun claims Java to be system independent – "write once, run everywhere". In this paper we present a comprehensive specification for a new thread model for the Java platform.The theory of CSP fully specifies the behavior of synchronization and scheduling of threads at a higher level of abstraction, which is based on processes, compositions and synchronization primitives. The CSP concept is well thought\-out and has been proven to be successful for realizing concurrent software for real\-time and embedded systems. The Communicating Threads for Java (CTJ) packages that is presented in the paper provides a reliable CSP/thread model for Java. The CTJ software is available from our URL http://www.rt.el.utwente.nl/javapp. %T Fine Grain Parallel Processing on Commodity Platforms %A R. W. Dobinson, P. D. V. van der Stok, Marcel Boosten %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X We present a tight integration of a user\-level thread scheduler and a zero\-copy messaging system that has been designed and optimized for scalable and efficient fine\-grain parallel processing, on commodity platforms, with support for fault\-tolerance. The system delivers most of the performance of the underlying communication hardware to a multi\-threaded application level, while introducing little CPU overhead. This is demonstrated by a performance analysis of an implementation using off\-the\-shelf commodity products: PCs, running the Linux operating system, equipped with Fast and Gigabit Ethernet network interface cards. %T CSP for Java: Multithreading for All %A André W. P. Bakkers, G. S. Stiles, Peter H. Welch, Gerald H. Hilderink %E Barry M. Cook %B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems %X Many internet, real\-time and embedded applications are most naturally designed using concurrency. Unfortunately, the design of concurrent (multithreaded) programs has the reputation of being extremely difficult and dangerous, due to the possibility of deadlock, livelock, race hazards, or starvation \- phenomena not encountered in single\-threaded programs. Lea [1] emphasizes concern for the apparent difficulty: "Liveness considerations in concurrent software development introduce context dependencies that can make the construction of reusable components harder than in strictly sequential settings." Two approaches he suggests for design sound tedious and perhaps risky: "Top\-down (safety first): Initially design methods and classes assuming full synchronization (when applicable), and then remove unnecessary synchronization as needed to obtain liveness and efficiency...Bottom up (liveness first): Initially design methods and classes without concern for synchronization policies, then add them via composites, subclassing, and related layering techniques..." Both suggest lengthy sessions of patching and testing until the application appears to work as desired. Even those intimately connected with Java seem reluctant to employ more than a single thread. The Swing documentation states "If you can get away with it, avoid using threads. Threads can be difficult to use, and they make programs harder to debug. In general, they just aren\\[rs]t necessary for strictly GUI work, such as updating component properties" [2]. Oaks and Wong [3], also associated with Sun, are more positive, but note that "Deadlock between threads competing for the same set of locks is the hardest problem to solve in any threaded program. It\\[rs]s a hard enough problem, in fact, that we will not solve it or even attempt to solve it." Later they state "Nonetheless, a close examination of the source code is the only option presently available to determine if deadlock is a possibility..." and add that no tools exist for detecting deadlock in Java programs. We feel, however, based on fifteen years of experience, that concurrent approaches are the best way to design most programs. Done properly (e.g., using CSP [4]) this results in better understanding of the problem and the solution, and leads to much cleaner implementations. A tremendous amount of work has been done on and with CSP in recent years, and the present state of the language and the tools offers the Java programmer excellent facilities for the design and analysis of multithreaded programs. Furthermore, Java designs based on CSP class libraries can now be verified against formal specifications and checked for deadlock and livelock with CASE tools \- prior to implementation. We present the CSP model (processes, channels, events, networks) and its binding into (100% Pure) Java through the CSP class libraries developed at Kent [5] and Twente [6]. We describe some of the tools associated with CSP (e.g., FDR [7]) and demonstrate, in several practical applications, their use for checking specifications and proving the absence of deadlock. We emphasize that CSP concepts are easy to understand and apply and that the engineering benefits they confer on system design and implementation are significant for both real\-time and non\-real\-time multithreaded systems. |
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