WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

CPA 2009 Call for Papers

The theme of CPA 2009 is concurrency: the theory of concurrency, and concurrency as applied to software and hardware development, validation, verification, and implementation. Contributions may be regular papers presenting novel, unpublished research, ideas, or accomplishments. All submissions will be reviewed, and feedback given to authors.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • theoretical approaches to concurrency, and formal languages supporting these approaches, including the integration of existing formal notations;
  • modelling of, and model-driven development of concurrent software architectures;
  • verification and analysis of concurrent systems;
  • model-checking techniques and tools for development and analysis;
  • theoretical approaches to hardware-software co-design;
  • tools and languages for hardware-software co-design;
  • verification and analysis of hardware-software co-design systems;
  • programming languages and environments for concurrent systems;
  • environments for distributed applications, such as grid applications;
  • hardware and machine architectures such as multiprocessor cores and instruction set design;
  • reconfigurable computing, and tools relating to reconfigurable computing;
  • programming and implementation issues for concurrent languages;
  • such as deadlock-freedom by design, starvation, and efficient inter-process communication architectures;
  • system issues for programming languages supporting concurrency, such as multithreading kernels and interrupt architectures;
  • applications that exploit, or rely on, concurrency.

For instructions regarding the format for submitted papers and details of the submission process, please see the information for authors.

The CPA proceedings will be published by IOS Press. Under the IOS Press Author Copyright Agreement, copyright of published material remains with the original authors. This makes CPA an ideal venue for presenting early research that may be suitable for future journal publication.

Important dates

CRC due31st. August, 2009
Author registration7th. September, 2009
Conference1st. – 4th. November, 2009

Formal Methods Week

CPA 2009 is part of the first Formal Methods Week (FMweek), which will bring together a choice of events in the area including:

  • TESTCOM/FATES (Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems/Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software)
  • FMICS (Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems)
  • PDMC (Parallel and Distributed Methods of verifiCation)
  • FM2009 (Symposium of Formal Methods Europe)
  • FACS (Formal Aspects of Component Software)
  • FAST (Formal Aspects in Security and Trust)
  • FMCO (Formal Methods for Components and Objects)
  • REFINE (Workshop)

These will be scheduled as follows:

FMweek room scheduling table

For the latest information on FMweek, see the FMweek web site.

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